aadiDefence |
aadiDefence knows defence and is your guide through the minefield
that is the defence sector. Essential knowledge for success in the Defence Sector includes expertise in Concepts of military operations; Current and future capability needs; Acquisition Policy and Practice; Defence Industry Policy and Practice; Decision heirarcy within the Defence Sector; Roles of Defence Departments, and, Organisation
in assessments of Defence Acquisitions and Sustainment bids, Relevance of opportunities; and Synergistic Partnerships.
aadiDefence consists of a team of former very senior personnel
from within the Department of Defence and leading defence
industries. aadiDefence boasts in-depth knowledge of the
Defence Sector offers an unequalled winning edge.
Alliance |
The Australian Nanotechnology Alliance (ANA) is an industry-led, research supported, membership-based alliance of organisations
in diverse industry sectors such mining, manufacturing, agriculture, construction, transport, health and microelectronics. The ANA has
used its unique capabilities to service it's vast business and nanotechnology research networks for several years. Successful programs have included business advisory services, promotions, seminar series, exhibitions, project management and capability
studies for clients in Government, research and industry.
www.nanotechnology.org.au |
Queen Fuel Components, LLC was founded by Robert Queen in Shelby, NC. Through a story too long to tell here, Robert started researching the diesel fuel and additive industries in late 2008.
He discovered, as most in the diesel industry already know
that Federal requirements for Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel (ULSD), emerging diesel engine technology, and the increased use of biodiesel have accelerated the use of additives in diesel fuel.
His research also led to an understanding that there was no simple, economical way to automatically dispense fuel additiv
into the fuel for individual pieces of equipment. There were systems available that required the operator to program fuel usage into the system and there were methods to treat bulk
fuel at a terminal facility but nothing for operators fueling on the road or fueling off-road at construction or mining sites. Robert called on his years of design and manufacturing experienc
in the aerospace industry to solve the problem. (His first work assignment after graduating from NC State University was designing repairs and modifications to military aircraft
structures and fuel systems for the United States Navy.)
The EZ ADD™systems available today are the result of that experience and many hours of design and bench testing and several prototypes. Robert is excited about this new venture
and the opportunity to make operations easier and more cost efficient for the thousands of diesel equipment operators across North America and around the world. Queen Fuel Components, LLC will continue to be here to develop new systems to further assist diesel operators as diesel fuel and engine technologies continue to emerge.
Indiaco |
IndiaCo is an investment management firm listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange. We engage with companies where IndiaCo can add value in multiple ways, thereby exponentially increasing the return on capital deployed. We tend to work with companies through strategic, financial, technological and operational involvement, thus revolutionizing the company’s fundamental parameters. IndiaCo’s unique approach to investing maximizes return on capital, offering investors a unique conduit into risk-controlled high return investments.
Micro Devices Centre
Karnataka Hybrid Micro Devices Ltd., located in Bangalore, India,
is a diversified company focusing on thick-film hybrid design and manufacture, electronics manufacturing services for avionics and defence, and automotive components such as voltage regulators, rectifiers and wiper controllers. They have to their heritage, delivery of over 16 million thick film hybrids for automotive, aerospace and industrial applications, 15000 complex avionics board assemblies for over 250 aircraft and 10 million automotive component at near-zero PPM. Our customers include leading OEMs in the automotive and aerospace industries such as LucasTVS, NTTF-servicing Maruti, HAL, ISRO, Honeywell and BEL. The Company housed in 50,000 mtrs2 facility at Electronics City, and an R&D Center in Bangalore City in an area of 6000 mtrs2. Prof E.S. Dwarakadasa is their Chief Executive Officer
& Managing Director.
NanoScience Innovation Pte Ltd
NanoScience Innovation Pte Ltd is a Singapore based Nanotechnology Company.
Nano Science
and Technology
Consortium |
Nano Science and Technology Consortium (NSTC) is the leading consortium of its kind in India and was specifically set up to promote nanotechnology. The consortium has more than 150 industry members and 100 University members. NSTC is active in Educational, Consulting and Commercialisingl activities in the area of Nanotechnology.
www.nstc.in |