Nano sized Ceria (Cerium oxide) acts as
a superior fuel borne catalyst to increase
fuel efficiency and
reduce environmentally un-friendly emissions
of pollutants such as
carbon soot, un-burnt hydrocarbon, CO & NOx.
Large surface area Nano particles readily supply oxygen to the fuel mix. Surfactant aided stable suspension of nano
sized particles help avoid wear and is a highly recommended fuel-additive by the Health Effects Institute of USA. |
The NANOCeria
catalyst is prepared by
a patented technology
in an extremely pure form without any intermediary liquid and directly dispersed in diesel. Stable under
high temperatures
inside combustion engines, it helps enhance the catalytic effect resulting in the complete burning of diesel fuel. With a very low dosage of 5 to 10 mg/litre, it works well in low sulphur containing standard fuel qualities.
*Based on Engine Dyno Test. Can vary from engine to engine. |